Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Plastic Surgery Overload

This women doesn't have much to cut. WOW

Rapid Fire Q&A

Have you ever given anyone a black eye or a bloody nose?

Do you have any unfinished projects going on right now?

Have you ever drank more than 100 beers in a month?

If you could be a chick for one day, what chick would you be?

Do you like eggs?

Favorite Country Song of all time?

Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald alone?

If Texas were considering succeeding from the United States, would you support it?

Do you believe in the theory of “He who smelt it dealt it?”

Overall, do you believe in the principal of “Finders Keepers, Loosers weepers?”

What would make you leave your current job?

Have you ever looked up an old girlfriend on the internet?

Can you curl your tongue?

What is the fastest you have ever driven a car on public road?

Do you think after a few years on the Island, Gilligan really did become the Skippers “Little Buddy”

Of the three original Charlies Angels, which one was the hottest?

What is the last gift you got your wife?

Given the chance to smoke out with Willie would you do it?

Do you think pockets are fad or are they here to stay?

Have you ever found more than $20?

When getting a massage do you prefer a male or female masseuse or do you care?

If you had to have 20 dogs or 1 cat, what would you have?

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Sexy, Huh?